3/22-23 Ky Lake-Ky Dam Marina NTBA Thank you for your registration Fall Classic November 5-6, 2021 \ Lake Cumberland \ Halcomb's LandingKy Lake-Ky Dam Marina - March 22 & 23 - 2024First NameLast NameEmailPhoneAddressAddress Line 2StateCityPostal CodeInsurance Company Name, Policy # or Agent Binding coverage on the boat to be used in any Anglers Outpost & Marine Team Tournament Trail'event. Company. CompanyAgentPolicy Partners Info First NameLast NameEmailPhoneAddressAddress Line 2StateCityPostal Code LIABILITY RELEASE In signing this agreement, we hereby release NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing Circuit, its officers, agents, employees, and sponsors from any and all damages, injuries or deaths, claims, demands, cost, or expenses relating to injury of any person or damage to any property which I may sustain or which I may cause by reason of participation in or in connection with any NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing event. Covenant not to sue waiver of Subrogation: I further agree that I will never sue NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing Circuit for damages on account of any injury or damage that I suffer, or cause whether known now or which may develop in the future in connection with this or any other NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing event ! expressly agree to indemnify and hold NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing Circuit harmless from any liability whatsoever, including court cost and attorney's fees arising with respect to such action. I understand that in waiving my rights to sue NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing Circuit, I am waiving the rights of recovery from NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing Circuit of my insurance carrier for any claims that they may pay on my behalf. I further understand that by signing this agreement I waive any rights of my heirs or relatives have or may have to sue NTBA Tournament Trail Fishing Circuit for liability. Construction: If this agreement and release, covenant, and waivers, contained herein are found by any couri to overly broad by any matter, we ask the court to interpret it as broadly as possible. We signity by our signatures below that we read and understand the above agreement. Print NamePrint Partner NameDate SubmitPowered by ARForms (Unlicensed)